Thursday 26 December 2019

Self folding structures: the future of packaging?

Haruki Nakamura, the origami artist and paper engineer from Japan, is perhaps one of the most under rated contributors in the field today. His works are amazing, especially how he brings 2 dimensional structures into 3D, and 3D ones alive by adding the component of time to them. You can check out his work on YouTube.

What is more intriguing, is when we take this conversation towards further automation as explained below. This has far reaching implications on interactive packaging- on creating a whole experience out of how the user interacts with the paper packaging. This is exactly what the next level is - experiential economy.

If you have a look here, you can check out the amazing work done by MIT Media labs. Using really simple base materials such as paper, plastics, and fabrics, the designers adequately stitched certain folds and used inflation and resulting pneumatic pressure for the material to automatically fold over itself - resulting in a unique 'alive' origami structure.
Their developed software creates a sort of a key-line that dictates the degree of bending, the geometry etc. that the 2D structure will morph into.

Speaking of work done in the packaging sector by MIT Media labs, another unique publication (follow link here) is where they have introduced wireless sensors (which are of-course really cheap and consume very less power) in labels to identify how the consumer behaves around the product. For example:  a children's milk bottle can play a soothing baby music whenever it is picked up, and whenever the quantity is reaching lower than specified  it can send an order automatically for refill.

Thursday 27 June 2019

Features of apparatus used in ink matching #printing

Last week we talked about the basic details of ink matching lab and the 7 basic steps for ink matching. Now we are talking about the features of apparatus used in ink matching to achieve the best quality result for luxury packaging and brand and retail packaging supplies.

Ink knives –

Use in taking inks and mixing inks in the mixing machines. Whenever we take ink on ink knife we should ensure that ink knives must be properly cleaned.

Weighing scale-

As its name refers ‘Weighing scale’ , This is used for measuring the amount of inks that we had taken for mixing. Its accuracy must be accurate likewise with minimum error.

Pantone colour Matching Guide-

Used for color matching for making recipe of the color that we have to made.

Draw Down Kit-

Used for taking Draw Downs of the ink recipe that we had made for standard color. This is very useful.

Mixing Machines-

Used for mixing the recipe for making particular inks that we have to match standard color.

Thursday 20 June 2019

7 step procedure for ink matching #printing


Ink Matching Department is the place where ink is prepared for printing (other than CYAN, MAGENTA, YELLOW, BLACK colors) and Packed. Here, many base inks are present with the help of which colors are formed for example - red, blue, opaque white etc.

Apparatus Used 

Draw down kit, Weighing scale, UV Heater, Chromatic Light boxes, Mixing machines, ink knives, pantone colour matching guides etc.

Standard Procedure –

  1. First, the sample is taken on the table and Spectrophometer is connected to the computer with installed software
  2. Spectrophotometer is used for taking the l,a,b values of color & when l,a,b value are measured then those values are set to be standard values
  3. After which those l,a,b values are sent to software and it is done 3-4 times for accuracy.
  4. After which, the paper type is selected by doing the same with the paper on which we have to print.
  5. When this all is done in the computer the computer software will give a recipe for that particular color for about 1 or 10 kg
  6. After which we take all the colors as specified by software in recipe in adequate amount and mix the same with the mixing machines.
  7. After mixing we take draw down of the color for just verification that the color that we have made is either accurate or not. If it is accurate then we had made that color. If it is not, then we add a bit amount of other colors like transparent white to match the color with standard